Picture of the authorblog
First BlogFeb 19, 2024

Who are you?

My name is Tom, a front-end developer from the Philippines.

Cringe, why are you doing this?

This site has been online since 2021. Back then, I used to read a lot and wondered if I could share my thoughts as well as those of the authors of the books I've read. So I created this site, but it was never completed because that was when I started getting busy with work (not because I'm lazy, Kappa). Now, fast forward to 2024, I didn't really have anything good to do outside my work shift, so I started digging out my forgotten projects from the graveyard (every developer has one), and this seems to be the first one on the list.

I know the site may seem incomplete at the time this was posted, but I promise I'll continue working on it. That's all for now. Thanks for coming 😊

Romans 8:31
If God is for us, who is against us?

I'll be adding Bible verses at the end of every article I post so that you'll be blessed as well. ❤